Jaiden Animations is a really good YouTube Channel.
First a little bit about Jaiden. She joined YouTube on February 16, 2014 but did not upload her first video until July of that year. She collaborated with a bunch of other creators, and this helped skyrocket her sub count – jumping from 100k to over 1 million in only one year! So – she’s really popular.

Jaiden is an American 22 year old. She lives in Los Angeles, CA
She talks about life lessons, funny stuff, and things that happen in her life. And the best part is, it’s in animation! I highly recommend it because her content is really funny and she posts about travel, things she likes and dislikes, and more! She also has 8.33 million subscribers!

Two other animation YouTubers, theodd1sout, and SomethingelseYT are her friends, and she even made a video about a tour that she took with them and two other friends.
One of my favorite aspects of her vids are that she also does them about Pokémon! Here is a link to one of her videos for you to see, dear read.